Operation ========= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 ---------- Monitoring ---------- Fuglu has various places where you can see what it is is currently doing (eg. for debugging purposes) or what it has done (for statistical analysis) Command Line Interface ...................... The ``fuglu_control`` command offers various options to get real-time information on fuglu internals **statistics:** :: #$ fuglu_control stats Fuglu statistics --------------- Uptime: 19:33:56.119661 Avg scan time: 3.9657 Total msgs: 86667 Ham: 547 Spam: 86124 Virus: 8 **Status of currently running scanner threads:** :: #fuglu_control workerlist Total 10 Threads [98]: Suspect 8790fa16a3733350baf02d5b4e7d98e1: from= to= size=1043 , spam=no, virus=no tags={'virus': {'F-Prot': False, 'ClamAV': False}, 'FprotPlugin.time': '0.0080', 'spam': {}, 'incomingport': 10025, 'decisions': [('F-Prot Plugin', 0), ('ClamavPlugin', 0)], 'ClamavPlugin.time': '0.0055'} : Running Plugin SAPlugin ******* [99]: Suspect b6f3019df4da4170888e144f98eaa3ad: from= to= size=5187 , spam=no, virus=no tags={'virus': {'F-Prot': False, 'ClamAV': False}, 'FprotPlugin.time': '0.0088', 'spam': {}, 'incomingport': 10025, 'decisions': [('F-Prot Plugin', 0), ('ClamavPlugin', 0)], 'ClamavPlugin.time': '0.0161'} : Running Plugin SAPlugin ******* [100]: waiting for task ******* [101]: Suspect eefa38e4ae4a9c2938670a46d6b2b922: from= to= size=5203 , spam=no, virus=no tags={'virus': {'F-Prot': False, 'ClamAV': False}, 'FprotPlugin.time': '0.0086', 'spam': {}, 'incomingport': 10025, 'decisions': [('F-Prot Plugin', 0), ('ClamavPlugin', 0)], 'ClamavPlugin.time': '0.0092'} : Running Plugin SAPlugin ******* [102]: waiting for task ******* [103]: waiting for task ******* [104]: waiting for task ******* [105]: waiting for task ******* [106]: Suspect b47e2ebf00e3f0d83dc1c7f64dad69e8: from= to= size=29442 , spam=no, virus=no tags={'virus': {'F-Prot': False, 'ClamAV': False}, 'FprotPlugin.time': '0.0240', 'spam': {}, 'incomingport': 10025, 'decisions': [('F-Prot Plugin', 0), ('ClamavPlugin', 0)], 'ClamavPlugin.time': '0.0240'} : Running Plugin SAPlugin ******* [107]: waiting for task Run fuglu_control without arguments to get a list of all supported commands. Logs .... Fuglu writes to /var/log/fuglu/fuglu.log by default. A summary of each analyzed message is stored in that file immediately after it has been analyzed.. Fuglu uses the standard python logging framework. This allows you to configure logging for each plugin individually (verbosity, own logfile, ...) Full documentation on the python logging configuration: http://docs.python.org/library/logging.html#configuring-logging Logging is configured in ``/etc/fuglu/logging.conf`` In standard configuration, fuglu logs only INFO messages. Let's say you wanted to debug the spamassassin plugin. So you'd check if there is a section dealing with spamassassin and you'd find this: :: [logger_saplugin] level=INFO handlers=logfile propagate=0 qualname=fuglu.plugin.SAPlugin You would change ``level=INFO`` to ``level=DEBUG``. Also you need to activate this special configuration for spamassassin by adding it to the loggers section at the top of the file: :: [loggers] keys=root,saplugin After reloading fuglu, the spamassassin plugin should be very verbose: :: 2009-04-08 17:11:07,693 fuglu.plugin.SAPlugin: DEBUG Contacting spamd localhost (Try 1 of 5) 2009-04-08 17:11:07,701 fuglu.plugin.SAPlugin: DEBUG Sent 4065 bytes to spamd 2009-04-08 17:11:10,033 fuglu.plugin.SAPlugin: DEBUG SPAMD/1.1 0 EX_OK 2009-04-08 17:11:10,034 fuglu.plugin.SAPlugin: DEBUG Got 4778 message bytes from back from spamd 2009-04-08 17:11:10,047 fuglu.plugin.SAPlugin: DEBUG Spamscore: 2.2 2009-04-08 17:11:10,047 fuglu.plugin.SAPlugin: DEBUG Message is not spam There should be logger sections configured for most tasks / plugins, if not, do not hesitate to open a bug on this. **Qualnames for new loggers** : Plugins usually use ``fuglu.plugin.`` fuglu internal qualnames: * ``fuglu.SessionHandler`` - What plugins are being run, what are the results, ... * ``fuglu.smtp.incoming`` - Incoming smtp connections * ``fuglu.smtp.incoming.`` - Incoming smtp sessions on port * ``fuglu.smtpsession`` - information on the incoming smtp transaction * ``fuglu.threadpool`` - information when threads are created / destroyed * ``fuglu.suspectfilter`` - debug info on parsing/applying the special header filter config files **Additional handlers** In addition to python's `builtin handlers `_ , fuglu supports: * ``custom_handlers.GroupReadableRotatingFileHandler`` - Like python's `RotatingFileHandler `_ , but the file is readable by fuglu's group * ``custom_handlers.GroupWritableRotatingFileHandler`` - Like python's `RotatingFileHandler `_ , but the file is readable/writable by fuglu's group * ``custom_handlers.GroupReadableTimedRotatingFileHandler`` - Like python's `TimedRotatingFileHandler `_ , but the file is readable by fuglu's group * ``custom_handlers.GroupWritableTimedRotatingFileHandler`` - Like python's `TimedRotatingFileHandler `_, but the file is readable/writable by fuglu's group MRTG .... Fuglu can be configured to peridically write status files readable by mrtg. To do this, you only have to create a new directory (eg ``/usr/local/fuglu/mrtg``) and set this in ``fuglu.conf``: :: #Statistics mrtgdir=/usr/local/fuglu/mrtg You'll need *mrtg* and a *webserver* for this to work... create a file called ``/etc/fuglu/fuglu_mrtg.cfg`` like this: :: Interval: 5 WorkDir: /usr/local/fuglu/mrtg/output WriteExpires: yes Options[_]: growright,nopercent LogFormat: rrdtool #--------------------------------------------------------------- Target[inout]: `cat /usr/local/fuglu/mrtg/inout` PageTop[inout]:

Messages in/out

Options[inout]: growright,nopercent Title[inout]: Messages in/out ShortLegend[inout]: msgs/s YLegend[inout]: messages LegendI[inout]: in Legend1[inout]: Incoming Messages Legend2[inout]: Messages re-injected LegendO[inout]: re-inject MaxBytes[inout]: 60000000 Target[hamspam]: `cat /usr/local/fuglu/mrtg/hamspam` Options[hamspam]: growright,nopercent Title[hamspam]: Ham / Spam PageTop[hamspam]:

Ham / Spam

YLegend[hamspam]: messages/second ShortLegend[hamspam]: msgs/s LegendI[hamspam]: ham Legend1[hamspam]: Clean Messages (ham) LegendO[hamspam]: spam Legend2[hamspam]: Messages detected as spam MaxBytes[hamspam]: 600000 AbsMax[hamspam]: 600000 Target[scantime]: `cat /usr/local/fuglu/mrtg/scantime` Options[scantime]: growright,nopercent,gauge Title[scantime]: Scan Time PageTop[scantime]:

Scan Time

WithPeak[scantime]: ymwd YLegend[scantime]: sec ShortLegend[scantime]: sec Legend1[scantime]: Time needed to analyze message LegendI[scantime]: scantime LegendO[scantime]: Legend2[scantime]: Legend3[scantime]: Peak Scantime Legend4[scantime]: MaxBytes[scantime]: 600000 AbsMax[scantime]: 600000 Target[threads]: `cat /usr/local/fuglu/mrtg/threads` Options[threads]: growright,nopercent,gauge Title[threads]: Threads PageTop[threads]:

Running Threads

YLegend[threads]: threads ShortLegend[threads]: threads LegendO[threads]: Legend1[threads]: Number of running threads Legend2[threads]: LegendI[threads]: threads MaxBytes[threads]: 600000 AbsMax[threads]: 600000 Target[virus]: `cat /usr/local/fuglu/mrtg/virus` Options[virus]: growright,nopercent Title[virus]: virus PageTop[virus]:


YLegend[virus]: virus ShortLegend[virus]: virus #LegendO[virus]: virus LegendI[virus]: virus Legend1[virus]: Number of viri detected MaxBytes[virus]: 600000 AbsMax[virus]: 600000 Make sure, the path in WorkDir exists. Then create a script ``/usr/local/bin/fuglu_mrtg.sh`` :: #!/bin/sh /usr/bin/env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/fuglu/fuglu_mrtg.cfg run ``fuglu_mrtg.sh`` to check for errors. If all went well, add it to your crontab: :: */5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/fuglu_mrtg.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 install mrtg-rrd.cgi (probably rename it to fuglu.cgi ), and configure the path to fuglu_mrtg.cfg correctly: :: # EDIT THIS to reflect all your MRTG config files BEGIN { @config_files = qw(/etc/fuglu/fuglu_mrtg.cfg); } after pointing your browser to ``http://yourfuglubox.example.com/cgi-bin/fuglu.cgi`` you should see nice graphs. --------------------------- Troubleshooting & Debugging --------------------------- Fuglu doesn't even start ........................ * run ``fuglu --lint`` as root. are there any errors? * did you create /etc/fuglu/logging.conf (by renaming the logging.conf.dist file) ? * check if the log directory (/var/log/fuglu/ by default) exists an is writable by the user running fuglu * check for errors in /var/log/fuglu.log * run fuglu fuglu in foreground using ``fuglu --foreground`` or by setting ``daemonize=0`` in fuglu.conf and check for errors Debug Trace a single message ............................ Fuglu runs but you want to know what exactly would happen to a single email message? Make sure message debugging is enabled (it is by default, but if you screwed up your config...) : * ``prependers=`` should start with ``debug`` to make sure the debugger plugin is loaded * ``incomingport`` option should contain port 10888 (eg. incomingport=10025,10099,10888 ) , so fuglu listens on the debugging port * in the [debug] section, set debugport=10888 and debugfile=/tmp/fuglu_debug.log , so the debugger plugin knows what port to treat as debug port and where to store debug information * ``nobounce`` should be set to True, so debugged messages can not be bounced * ``noreinject`` shoud be set to True, so debugged messages are not re-injected to postfix for further processing * ``noappender`` should be set to True, so appenders are not run for debugged messages Save the message on the server (rfc822 format), and run :: fuglu_debug /path/to/message.eml you may add envelope sender and recipient if these are relevant for your test, eg: :: fuglu_debug /path/to/message.eml sender@example.org recipient@example.net then check ``/tmp/fuglu_debug.log`` .. _debug-suspect-filter: Debug a suspect filter ...................... So you have this filter in a plugin with hundreds of rules and you just don't know which one matched a specific message? fuglu_suspectfilter to the rescue! just pass a rule file and a message eml file as arguments and it will list all matches. :: fuglu_suspectfilter /etc/fuglu/myfilterfile.regex /tmp/testmessage.eml INFO:fuglu.suspectfilter:Reloading Rulefile /etc/fuglu/myfilterfile.regex INFO:root:194 valid rules found INFO:root:1 matches found Match #1: Matched header/field: From Matched value in message: "Edgar" Regex : edgarmail@example\.com Rule argument : Messages from Edgar Add a `-D` argument for a full debug trace of the suspect filter. Debug the fuglu core .................... If you are a python developer and would like to inspect fuglu at run-time, add the argument ``--console`` when starting fuglu. You will then get an interactive python console where all plugins etc are available from the 'mc' (MainController) object. Starting with fuglu 0.6.1 it is also possible to start a network-enabled python shell using the command ``fuglu_control netconsole [ []]`` Example: on the host running fuglu: :: # fuglu_control netconsole 9999 Python interactive console starting on port 9999 on your host: :: $ nc 9999 Fuglu Python Shell - MainController available as 'mc' >>> --------------- Runtime control --------------- It is possible to change some core parameters at runtime and tell fuglu to reload the configuration. Sending ``SIGHUP`` to the main process will check for changes in the configuration and reload fuglu as needed to apply the changes: - Changes in configuration files (fuglu.conf or plugin configuration files) will restart the threads/process pool. - Changes in logging.conf will restart the logging configuration What can be changed at runtime .............................. - plugins loaded and plugin configuration - threading mode : number of threads - process mode: number of processes - logging configuration, for example - log-level - handlers - loggers - backend process/thread Please note it is recommended to change backend (process/thread) while the load is low. Changing the backend or the number of processes (initialprocs in process mode) will create a new processor pool. Changing the number of processes this creates a new pool which will take over for new messages. The old pool exist until all the tasks (messages) are processed. Therefore, the number of processes is the sum of the old processes plus the new processes until the old pool is closed. Send SIGHUP to the main process ............................... First one has to know the process id of the main fuglu process. If fuglu has been started as daemon using ``systemctl`` check the status, for example: :: $ systemctl status fuglu ● fuglu.service - fuglu mail filter Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/fuglu.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) Process: 27199 ExecStart=/usr/bin/fuglu --pidfile=/run/fuglu.pid (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 27205 (fuglu) CGroup: /system.slice/fuglu.service ├─27205 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/fuglu --pidfile=/run/fuglu.pid ├─27206 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/fuglu --pidfile=/run/fuglu.pid ├─27209 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/fuglu --pidfile=/run/fuglu.pid ├─27211 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/fuglu --pidfile=/run/fuglu.pid ├─27215 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/fuglu --pidfile=/run/fuglu.pid ├─27216 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/fuglu --pidfile=/run/fuglu.pid └─27217 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/fuglu --pidfile=/run/fuglu.pid In this example the main PID is ``27205``. To send SIGHUP to the process run: :: $ kill -1 27205 Or find the main process ID by a simple Linux os command and filter it :: $ ps -ef | grep -i "fuglu" nobody 27205 1 0 09:00 ? 00:01:35 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/fuglu --pidfile=/run/fuglu.pid nobody 27206 27205 0 09:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/fuglu --pidfile=/run/fuglu.pid nobody 27209 27206 0 09:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/fuglu --pidfile=/run/fuglu.pid nobody 27211 27205 0 09:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/fuglu --pidfile=/run/fuglu.pid nobody 27215 27205 0 09:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/fuglu --pidfile=/run/fuglu.pid nobody 27216 27205 0 09:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/fuglu --pidfile=/run/fuglu.pid nobody 27217 27205 0 09:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/fuglu --pidfile=/run/fuglu.pid This command will show all fuglu processes, including the subprocesses. The main process is the one that has no parent, so its the one in the second line of the output with ``1`` as the parent in the 3rd column, so again the process with id ``27205`` as in the previous example.