

Basic Configuration


First of all, remove the .dist ending from all files in /etc/fuglu, so you have a basic default configuration.

edit /etc/fuglu/fuglu.conf and change parameters if you like

Note: If you don’t have Clamav (clamd) or Spamassassin (spamd) , you need to remove those entries from the plugins option.

eg, change




to disable both Antispam and Antivirus.

Make sure the logging directory exists:

mkdir -p /var/log/fuglu
chown nobody /var/log/fuglu

Then check if fuglu is happy with your configuration:

fuglu --lint


fuglu --lint
Fuglu 0.6.1
---------- LINT MODE ----------
Checking dependencies...
sqlalchemy: installed
BeautifulSoup: installed
magic: installed
Loading extensions...
fuglu.extensions.sql: enabled (available)
Loading plugins...
Plugin loading complete
Linting  main configuration

Linting Plugin  Archive Config section: ArchivePlugin

Linting Plugin  Attachment Blocker Config section: FiletypePlugin
Found python-file magic library
No database configured. Using per user/domain file configuration from /etc/fuglu/rules

Linting Plugin  Clam AV Config section: ClamavPlugin
Virusaction: DELETE
Got Pong: PONG

Clamav found virus {'stream': 'Eicar-Test-Signature'}

Linting Plugin  SpamAssassin Config section: SAPlugin
Got: SPAMD/1.5 0 PONG

GTUBE Has been detected correctly

Linting Plugin  Debugger Config section: debug

Linting Plugin  Plugin Skipper Config section: PluginSkipper
0 plugins reported errors.

If all went fine, run fuglu without parameters to start the daemon. In /var/log/fuglu/fuglu.log you should then see output similar to this:

2014-08-13 15:25:46,093 root        : INFO FuGLU Version 0.6.1 starting up
2014-08-13 15:25:46,094 fuglu.MainController: INFO Init Stat Engine
2014-08-13 15:25:46,094 fuglu.MainController: INFO Init Threadpool
2014-08-13 15:25:46,095 fuglu.MainController: INFO Starting interface sockets...
2014-08-13 15:25:46,095 fuglu.MainController: INFO starting connector smtp/10025
2014-08-13 15:25:46,096 fuglu.MainController: INFO starting connector smtp/10099
2014-08-13 15:25:46,096 fuglu.incoming.10025: INFO SMTP (After Queue) Server running on port 10025
2014-08-13 15:25:46,096 fuglu.MainController: INFO starting connector smtp/10888
2014-08-13 15:25:46,096 fuglu.incoming.10099: INFO SMTP (After Queue) Server running on port 10099
2014-08-13 15:25:46,097 fuglu.incoming.10888: INFO SMTP (After Queue) Server running on port 10888
2014-08-13 15:25:46,097 fuglu.MainController: INFO Startup complete
2014-08-13 15:25:46,097 fuglu.control.fuglu_control.sock: INFO Control/Info Server running on port /tmp/fuglu_control.sock

fuglu comes with init scripts/systemd service files if you want to start fuglu like other system daemons


Once fuglu is up and running, we need to tell Postfix to use it as an after queue filter.

Detailed documentation is available on the postfix website, but here is a quick example.

Add to :

fuglu_default   unix  -       -       n       -       10      smtp
        -o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes
        -o disable_mime_output_conversion=yes

fuglu_trusted   unix  -       -       n       -       10      smtp
        -o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes
        -o disable_mime_output_conversion=yes

localhost:10026 inet  n       -       n       -       10      smtpd
        -o content_filter=
        -o receive_override_options=no_unknown_recipient_checks,no_header_body_checks,no_milters,no_address_mappings
        -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
        -o smtpd_client_restrictions=
        -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
        -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
        -o mynetworks=
        -o smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts=

This creates two filters fuglu_trusted for outgoing mail and fuglu_default for incoming mail. An additional postfix instance will listen on port 10026 where fuglu can re-inject filtered messages.

Create a new file /etc/postfix/filter_default

# filter for others
/./ FILTER fuglu_default:[]:10025

This tells postfix to send untrusted messages to fuglu on port 10025

Create a new file /etc/postfix/filter_trusted

# filter for authenticated users
/./ FILTER fuglu_trusted:[]:10099

This tells postfix to send trusted (outgoing) mail to fuglu on port 10099. Fuglu can be configured to treat outgoing mail differently, eg. skip spam scanning but keep antivirus scanning

In add

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =  check_client_access pcre:/etc/postfix/filter_trusted,


Run postfix reload and check your maillog for errors. from now on, messages should be filtered by fuglu!

Advanced Config

Running a plugin multiple times with different config sections

By default, plugins search your configfile for a section named like the plugin itself, for example, the ArchivePlugin looks for a [ArchivePlugin] section. You can pass the plugin definition an argument to override this with a section named to suit your needs. This can also allow running a plugin multiple times per scan with different config options:





Fuglu in Before-Queue Mode

The fuglu ESMTP connector enables fuglu to run in before-queue mode, i.e. while the smtp session with the remote system is still active. This allows rejecting spam / infected mails.

Postfix config: edit as described in

# Before-filter SMTP server. Receive mail from the network and
# pass it to the content filter on localhost port 10025.
smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       20      smtpd
    -o smtpd_proxy_filter=
    -o smtpd_client_connection_count_limit=10
    # Postfix 2.7 and later performance feature.
    # -o smtpd_proxy_options=speed_adjust
# After-filter SMTP server. Receive mail from the content filter
# on localhost port 10026.
# inet n  -       n       -        -      smtpd
    -o smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts=
    -o smtpd_client_restrictions=
    -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
    -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
    -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
    -o smtpd_data_restrictions=
    -o mynetworks=
    -o receive_override_options=no_unknown_recipient_checks

fuglu config:

Enable the esmtp connector on the incoming port (10025) in /etc/fuglu/fuglu.conf:


rejecting spam:

In the fuglu configuration set DEFAULTHIGHSPAMACTION=REJECT (do the same for DEFAULTLOWSPAMACTION if you want to reject all spam). in the Spamassassin Pluginconfiguration, you can configure a custom reject message which supports various template variables:

  • ${from_address} : sender address
  • ${to_address} : recipient address
  • ${from_domain} : sender domain
  • ${to_domain} : recipient domain
  • ${subject} : message subject
  • ${spamscore} : spamassassin score
  • ${date} : current date
  • ${time} : current time
  • As of fuglu 0.8.1, properties as documented in Suspect Filters can be used as well


rejectmessage=message from ${from_address} to ${to_domain} identified as spam (score=${spamscore})

rejecting viruses:

This works the same way as rejecting spam, by setting DEFAULTVIRUSACTION=REJECT and configuring the rejectmessage in the antivirus plugin section.

Example fuglu configuration

With this example pre-queue configuration fuglu will scan for spam, virus and blocked attachments. low spam will be tagged, high spam (level>=10) will be rejected.





rejectmessage=Sorry, this message looks like spam to me!

Running fuglu as a milter

!! Warning, this is an EXPERIMENTAL feature - untested, may or may not work !!

!! Note: fuglu milter does not currently support message header/body modification, just actions like REJECT/DEFER/DISCARD !!

To run fuglu as a milter, add milter:<portnumber to the incomingport configuration option in fuglu.conf.


Then enable milters in your MTA. postfix example ( :

milter_protocol = 2
milter_default_action = accept
milter_content_timeout = 30s

Running fuglu in netcat-mode

fuglu supports message processing by simply “piping” them into a socket. To enable this socket, add netcat:<portnumber> to the incomingport configuration option in fuglu.conf.


When restarting fuglu, you should see something like INFO NETCAT Server running on port 20099 in the logs. you may then pipe an eml from the shell

(sleep 0.1; cat eicar.eml) | nc -c localhost 20099

In some special setups, people use fuglu as an after-delivery filter with this method.

Example procmail filter:

# netcat send msg copy to fuglu
| nc localhost 20099

Note: in netcat mode fuglu only receives message headers and body, no envelope data. Fuglu will assign the dummy value for both envelope sender and recipient.

Fetching scan-time configuration values from a database

It is now possible to fetch certain configuration options at runtime, based on the recipient email address or domain.

For this to work you need to have sqlalchemy installed ( running fuglu –lint should show enabled for the sql extension)

SQL script to create the the table:

CREATE TABLE `fugluconfig` (
  `scope` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `section` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `option` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `value` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`scope`,`section`,`option`)

The process is very similar to spamassassin’s SQL configuration ( ), with a few minor differences:

  • we require two columns to identify a preference: section and option
  • username is called scope
  • fuglu does not load the full configuration per user, only the actual config options requested by plugins supporting db overrides

Enable configuration lookups by providing a standard sql alchemy connectstring in your configuration (section databaseconfig option dbconnectstring)


If you use the above table structure in MariaDB / MySQl, the built-in default sql statement should work, but you may use a custom statement (sql=SELECT .... in the same section. ) use :section, :option and the usual suspect variables like :to_domain and :to_address as placeholders.

Note: only the following plugins currently supports reading database overrides for the listed options:
  • Spamassassin: lowspamaction, highspamaction, highspamlevel
  • FiletypePlugin: sendbounce, checkarchivenames, checkarchivecontent, enabledarchivetypes

multi-processing mode

by default, fuglu runs multi-threaded. This is usually a fine choice as many tasks are I/O-bound (waiting on sockets etc). However, for environments running CPU-bound tasks directly in fuglu plugins this can become a bottleneck. Due to the python global interpreter lock, only one operation can run at a time and fuglu does utilize only one CPU core.

For these setups, fuglu can be switched to multiprocessing mode:


initialprocs defines the number of worker processes that fuglu should start. If set to 0 , fuglu will default to twice the number of available virtual CPU cores.

Most things will work similarly as in threaded mode, but there are a few differences:
  • in threaded mode, there is only one instance per plugin. In multiprocessing there is one instance per worker. This means increased memory usage, as in-memory caches are built multiple times.
  • dynamic config reloading is not currently supported in multiprocessing mode. Restart fuglu for config changes to take effect.
  • the number of workers is not auto-adapted like in threading mode